What is the name of your company? Please fill out one form per company (if you have multiple)
Where are you target clients located geographically? (You can list multiple regions)
What industries are your target clients working in? (You can list multiple)
Do years of experience matter to you? If so how many years?
Are you a member of any LinkedIn Groups where you a know a large number of your target clients reside? If so please list the names below
What company headcount do your targets clients have? Please list a range from the minimum to the maximum (ex. 1-500)
Please select the company type where your target client resides (you can select multiple)
Public Company
Privately Held
Non Profit
Educational institute
Self Employed
Self Owned
Government Agency
Company Type Does Not Matter
In the company where your target client resides, what does the rate of headcount growth look like?
Growing at a rate of 20% or more
Growing at a rate of 10% (neutral)
Shrinking at a rate of -10% or lower
This does not matter for my target client
Do any of your target clients reside in companies that are headquartered out of the US? (By default US headquartered companies will be selected, if there are some companies you wanted to contact with an HQ outside of the US, it will be left unfiltered)
Please list all of the job titles you can think of that your target clients are (ex. CEO, Sales Director, etc.)
What function(s) do they perform within their company? (ex. Marketing, Accounting, etc.)
What seniority levels are they located in? (ex. CXO, VP, Director, etc.)
Do your target clients have a certain number of years in their current role OR company? (For ex. targeting people new to a company who are more open to changes)
What pain points are you trying to solve for your target client? (You can list multiple)
What results do you provide your target clients? (You can list multiple)
What is the average revenue of your target client's company?
Where do their average expenses come from?
What is the average profit margin (%) of your target client's company?
What scares your target clients the most?
What are some common buzz phrases in your target clients industry? (ex. Conversion Rate, ROAS)
What is a hot topic, something controversial, or something that needs to change within your target clients industry right now? (This will dictate the approach the it taken to start a conversation)
Is there any additional information that should be known about your target client?
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